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Join U-Report, Your voice matters.
U-Report is a free and anonymous social monitoring tool for youth engagement and community participation. It is designed to empower people to speak out on issues that they care about in their communities to encourage citizen-led development and create positive change.

Once a U-Reporter has registered to U-Report Lebanon through WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, polls and alerts are sent, and real-time responses are collected and mapped on this website. Results and ideas are shared back with the community. The topics include health, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, youth unemployment, disease outbreaks, and anything else young people want to discuss.

U-Report relies on volunteer community members serving as U-Reporters on a free entry, free exit basis to provide information on issues in their communities.

U-Report allows people to speak out and amplify their voices, and feeds back useful information to the U-Reporters, so they are empowered to work for change and improvements in their localities themselves.

Together we create change. Your voice matters!


Individual messages are confidential but aggregated data is transparent.  Information received can be disaggregated by age, gender, and country in real-time and is used to connect young people, improve UNICEF programs and draw attention to relevant issues. 

Registration is voluntary and U-Reporters incur no costs. U-Report is in more than 90 countries worldwide and the number of people joining increases every day. U-Report relies on volunteer community members serving as U-Reporters to provide information on issues in their communities to create change. In return, U-Reporters will receive important information and alerts about international issues and relevant topics. 

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.